

Aisha Hussain

Hi! I'm a writer who really likes technical stuff. I enjoy learning about hard things and then explaining them in simple ways. Technology and artificial intelligence are my favorite topics, and I want to share their secrets with you. My goal is to make things like computers and robots easy to understand. I like taking complicated ideas and making them simple. Whether it's talking about smart computers or breaking down tough computer codes, I'm here to make it all easier for you to know.
AI Project
AI Shorts

AI Project Reveals Argentina’s Missing Children

The inspirational AI project in Argentina is being run by Argentine publicist Santiago Barros. In order to generate photos of the missing children from the military dictatorship era as adults,

AI Shorts

The Exciting Future of AI in Education

How pupils learn is changing due to artificial intelligence. When ChatGPT was launched, few people were aware of it. Harvard is currently preparing for increased usage of AI in Education

AI backpack
AI Shorts

Microsoft’s AI Backpacks Can See, Hear, and Obey

Microsoft intends to use artificial intelligence (AI) to make backpacks smarter. New AI backpacks design by the company includes a camera, microphone, and AI system. This indicates that the AI

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