

Aniqa Batool

Hello! My name is Aniqa Batool, and I'm a writer who writes about AI technology and innovations in that field. My interest is in unraveling the complexities of difficult issues and presenting them in the simplest, most approachable manner possible. Technology and artificial intelligence are two of my greatest favorites among the many things that attract my attention. My objective is simple: to deconstruct the mysteries of these modern fields and make them approachable to everyone. Whether it's analyzing the workings of computers or analyzing complicated codes, I'm here to help. Join me on this journey, and we'll discover the marvels of technology and artificial intelligence in the most easy and pleasant way possible.
AI short feature image
AI Shorts

AI Doomsday Predictions about AI Challenges Are Overshadowed

According to a senior industry executive attending this week’s AI safety meeting, concentrating on doomsday possibilities in artificial intelligence that downplays urgent threats such as large-scale disinformation creation. According to

5G and IoT
AI Shorts

Making the Way for Speeding 5G and IoT by Advances in AI

AcceleraConnected gadgets connected to the network technology 5G and IoT Internet of Things are increasingly widespread. But wait until next-generation applications like artificial intelligence (AI) begin to run on these

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