
PromptASR: Revolutionizing Speech Recognition with Game-Changer Technology

Get ready to feel the power of emotions like never before! In this exciting journey with PromptASR, it will uncover the secrets of speech recognition that will leave you amazed. From exclamations of surprise to moments of sheer wonder, get ready for a thrilling ride into the world of cutting-edge technology. The talented minds behind PromptASR are Xiaoyu Yang, Wei Kang, Zengwei Yao, and Yifan Yang, hailing from Xiaomi Corp. in Beijing, China. These dedicated individuals are at the forefront of shaping the future of speech recognition technology, working diligently to bring their innovative ideas to life. Their expertise and teamwork are driving the advancements in this exciting field.

The innovative framework introduces a novel way to enhance ASR systems. By utilizing content prompts and style prompts, PromptASR enables contextualized ASR with controllable transcription styles. Content prompts provide contextual information, such as topic-related details, while style prompts allow the ASR system to generate transcriptions with specific styles, including punctuation and casing. The practical applications of PromptASR are extensive. It can significantly reduce word error rates (WER) when using content prompts from preceding text, making it invaluable for transcribing various types of content, from book readings to conversations.

Furthermore, it excels in improving recognition accuracy for rare words by employing word-level biasing lists as prompts. PromptASR is a versatile framework, capable of handling both word-level and utterance-level context, opening up possibilities for improved speech recognition in diverse settings. This technology represents a promising advancement in ASR, offering the potential to enhance accuracy and flexibility in speech recognition systems.

PromptASR sound recogniation

Transforming Speech Recognition with PromptASR

Before PromptASR, automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems faced limitations in terms of contextual understanding and transcription style. These systems could transcribe speech to text, but often struggled with maintaining context between utterances and generating transcriptions with specific styles, such as proper punctuation and casing. This made them less accurate in scenarios where context and style were crucial, like transcribing books or maintaining conversational flow.

PromptASR brings a groundbreaking change to the ASR landscape. It introduces a framework that leverages content prompts and style prompts, addressing the limitations of previous capabilities. Content prompts allow the ASR system to understand and incorporate context, whether it’s the topic of a conversation or the logical relationships between utterances(spoken or written statements) . Style prompts, on the other hand, enable the system to produce transcriptions with precise styles, ensuring proper punctuation and casing.

This recently discovered capacity to consider setting and style at the same time prompts a critical decrease in word error rates (WER) while utilizing content prompts from going before text. In addition, it succeeds in perceiving uncommon words by utilizing word-level biasing records as prompts. PromptASR is a flexible arrangement, overcoming any barrier between word-level and utterance-level context, in this manner upgrading discourse acknowledgment in different contexts.

Speech Recognition

PromptASR holds the potential to revolutionize the field of ASR and reshape its future. With the ability to provide contextualized transcriptions and fine-tune transcription styles, this technology can significantly improve the accuracy and usability of ASR systems. This means more reliable transcriptions for a wide range of applications, from transcribing books and long-form content to enhancing communication with voice assistants. As ASR systems continue to evolve, expected more natural and context-aware interactions between humans and machines. PromptASR serves as a promising step forward, enabling better communication and understanding in an increasingly voice-driven world.

Availability and Accessibility of PromptASR

You can access the research paper on PromptASR at this link: arxiv

Regarding accessibility, PromptASR is open to the public, and it is an open-source project. This means that anyone interested in the technology can access and use it freely. You can find the open-source implementation on GitHub, making it accessible for researchers, developers, and the general public to explore and utilize in various applications.

Unlocking Potential Applications

PromptASR can possibly reform a wide exhibit of utilizations. Most importantly, it can incredibly upgrade record administrations. Whether it’s deciphering meetings, gatherings, or digital recordings, PromptASR’s contextualized records can offer higher exactness and setting protection. This advantages content makers, analysts, and organizations the same, making their work more effective. Moreover, PromptASR can assume a crucial part in the domain of virtual assistants. These AI driven elements can turn out to be considerably more conversational and setting mindful, offering clients a consistent and regular cooperation experience. Whether it’s setting updates, responding to questions, or controlling brilliant gadgets, remote helpers engaged by PromptASR can give more astute and customized reactions, fundamentally further developing client fulfillment and efficiency.

PromptASR can likewise fundamentally affect client assistance. Chatbots and voice-based client assistance frameworks can profit from more exact and setting mindful discourse acknowledgment. This implies quicker issue goal and better client encounters, prompting expanded client steadfastness and brand reputation.

Potential applications

Also, the innovation holds guarantee in further developing availability. By making correspondence more productive for people with inabilities, PromptASR can assist with connecting correspondence holes and improve availability across different stages. This incorporates continuous discourse to-message administrations for the hard of hearing and almost deaf, as well as further developed voice orders for people with portability challenges. In rundown, PromptASR’s potential applications are immense, contacting regions from record administrations to virtual assistants, client care, and openness arrangements.

Contextualized ASR with Style Control

The research introduces PromptASR, an innovative framework that combines prompts with automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems to enhance contextualized ASR with controllable transcription styles.The framework integrates a dedicated text encoder, injecting context prompts and style prompts into the ASR encoder by means of cross-consideration instruments. The substance prompts give context oriented data, while style prompts guide the ideal record style (e.g., packaging and accentuation).

While involving ground truth text from going before expressions as satisfied prompts, PromptASR accomplishes huge relative word error rate decreases of 21.9% and 6.3% contrasted with a pattern ASR framework on various datasets. Furthermore, the system can use word-level biasing records to further develop acknowledgment exactness for uncommon words and really control the style of records.

Architecture of PromptASR

The PromptASR architecture has three parts: a text encoder (EncT), a speech encoder (EncA), and an ASR decoder (DecA). EncT processes text prompts, while EncA consists of multiple layers that handle acoustic features and text information. These layers use cross-attention to blend text and speech data. The system can be trained for various ASR tasks, making it versatile and effective for transcribing spoken language.

Boosting ASR Performance with PromptASR: Results and Insights

In result, PromptASR had a major effect in how well ASR (Programmed Discourse Acknowledgment) frameworks work. At the point when it utilized the genuine text that preceded each expressed part as an aide, PromptASR made the ASR framework around 22% better at figuring out discourse at times. This implies less errors in translating what’s said. In any event, for quicker streaming ASR, it helped a ton. Fortunately when there’s no unique aide, PromptASR actually functions admirably. It resembles having a GPS for discourse acknowledgment.

Libriheavy is a dataset used which contains recorded speech along with their corresponding transcriptions. Each recording has a preceding text of 1000 bytes, which is used as content prompts for training the ASR system. The dataset is crucial for training and evaluating the effectiveness of PromptASR. BERT(Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) is a language model used to understand the context and semantics of text.BERT is employed as a text encoder to process and encode text prompts, helping PromptASR improve speech recognition accuracy by providing context information. It enhances the ASR system’s ability to understand and transcribe spoken words more accurately.

Be that as it may, when it attempted to utilize the ASR framework to see longer discussions without an aide, it wasn’t as great. It’s a piece like a GPS getting lost on a long excursion. It additionally found that PromptASR could be truly useful for perceiving interesting words, as extraordinary names or terms. At the point when provided it with a rundown of these words, it had a major effect in figuring out them, yet this worked better with more limited records. Thus, PromptASR shows guarantee for making ASR frameworks much better, but it has its strengths and limits, kind of like a tool that can help you, but you need to use it wisely.

WERs baseline

Conclusion: PromptASR Advancements

In conclusion, PromptASR emerged as a game-changer in enhancing the performance of ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) systems. At the point when directed by the first text, it essentially further developed ASR exactness by roughly 22%, decreasing record mistakes and making discourse acknowledgment considerably more solid, in any event, for continuous streaming situations. In any case, its presentation dropped while managing longer discussions where no directing message was accessible, featuring an impediment in dealing with broadened setting.

Besides, PromptASR exhibited its ability in perceiving unprecedented or uncommon words when furnished with explicit word records, in spite of the fact that its viability was more articulated with more limited records. Generally, PromptASR holds extraordinary potential for raising the capacities of ASR frameworks, however its effect differs relying upon the unique situation and the presence of directing prompts. It serves as a valuable tool, but users should be mindful of when and how to employ it for optimal results.


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