
Retinexformer: Transforming Dark Photos into Stunning Images with 1 Step

Photography enthusiasts, here’s some groundbreaking news: Retinexformer has arrived! Have you ever taken a photo in the dark, only for it to turn out disappointingly dark too? They all know that feeling. Some experts tried to help using the ‘Retinex theory.‘ But here’s the thing: it doesn’t always work perfectly. It doesn’t understand all the problems in dark photos or when you try to make them brighter.

Now, meet Yuanhao Cai and their team from Tsinghua University. They’ve introduced Retinexformer, a game-changing solution. At the heart of this innovation is the One-stage Retinex-based Framework (ORF), an easy approach that makes photo improvement simple. ORF works a bit like someone skilled with lighting. First, it figures out how much light a dark photo needs, similar to making a dark room cozier by adjusting the lights. Then, it carefully brightens up the dark images, making them look just right. It’s like having a photo expert to enhance your pictures.


The Illumination-Guided Transformer (IGT) was also created by them. Imagine it like having a special light in your toolbox for taking photos that knows exactly where to shine to create amazing images. Don’t bother messing with the settings or filters! It bases its decisions on information about the lighting in your photo. It’s like having a knowledgeable assistant who knows how to make your images appear their best in various lighting conditions.

Retinexformer was made when ORF and IGT were merged. It’s similar to gaining the incredible power to suddenly turn your drab images into gorgeous ones that seem amazing.

These researchers tested Retinexformer in all sorts of situations. It didn’t just work well; it beat all the other methods they tried, not just once or twice, but a whopping thirteen times! They didn’t just rely on fancy tech stuff. They even used it to find things in the dark, like trying to spot your favorite snack in a pitch-black kitchen. Say goodbye to those dark and gloomy photos. With Retinexformer, your memories will shine brighter than ever before! 

Revolutionizing Low-Light Photography with Retinexformer

Until the invention of Retinexformer, improving low-light photographs was a difficult task. The techniques employed lacked much refinement and resembled simple instruments. They either relied on antiquated ideas that couldn’t deal with real-world concerns like noise and color distortion in dark shots, or they exaggerated the blackness without taking lighting issues into account, producing strange-looking images. Even when deep learning entered the scene, it was split into two groups: those who disregarded human color perception and those who employed intricate, multi-stage training procedures. These methods had trouble identifying distant relationships and producing reliable outcomes.

Now, with the introduction of Retinexformer, the game has changed entirely. It’s like going from a basic flip phone to a high-end smartphone for image enhancement. Retinexformer combines the best of both worlds – the simplicity of one-stage training and the power of deep learning. It first estimates the illumination to brighten up dark images, just like a pro photographer adjusts lighting to make a scene more appealing. Then, it tackles all the problems that used to plague low-light photos: noise, artifacts, under-/overexposure, and color issues. It’s like having a talented photo editor in your pocket, ready to transform your images instantly.

This innovation in low-light image enhancement creates a world of intriguing future possibilities. It implies that people can take pictures in even the darkest conditions without being concerned about getting bad pictures. In addition to enhancing their own images, Retinexformer has potential for a number of uses, including nocturnal object detection. With this technology at their disposal, users might anticipate a future when their images and movies are brighter, clearer, and more aesthetically pleasing.

Access and Availability 

Retinexformer’s ground-breaking breakthrough is not kept in a safe deposit box; it is available to everyone. It is an open book for those who are interested in image improvement and may get all the information and resources they need on its dedicated pages on GitHub and ArXiv. Anyone who is interested in improving their low-light images may jump straight in and explore the possibilities because the code and research paper are easily accessible.

In the field of low-light image enhancement, this accessibility constitutes a significant advancement. It implies that anyone can utilize the power of Retinexformer, regardless of whether they are seasoned photographers or simply trying to boost their photos. Anyone can understand the ideas behind this novel method and use it to produce aesthetically spectacular photographs and films by just clicking on the provided links.

Unlocking New Capabilities Across Industries with Retinexformer

Retinexformer’s effects go far beyond just improving pictures. Its capabilities have the power to fundamentally alter a wide range of applications in computer vision and beyond. Retinexformer provides the path for better visibility and clarity in a variety of situations by successfully tackling the difficulties of low-light picture improvement.

Nighttime Image recognition is a notable application that greatly depends on the caliber of the supplied photos. Retinexformer makes evening landscapes that are dark and hazy more accessible to automated systems. In surveillance, autonomous driving, and security systems, where it’s critical to reliably identify objects in low-light situations, this translates to improved safety and efficiency.

object detection

Retinexformer is also useful in medical imaging, where it can improve the clarity of X-rays and MRIs, helping medical professionals make more accurate diagnosis. Furthermore, this development might be used in video processing to enhance low-light video for security cameras, video conferencing, and content creation.

In essence, Retinexformer is a portal to improved skills across a variety of businesses, not just a tool for better images. Its capacity to illuminate even the darkest of images gives up possibilities for new and enhanced computer vision and other applications, indicating a more positive future.

Experimental Setup and Dataset Details

They painstakingly chose a variety of unique datasets that accurately reflect numerous real-world low-light settings in their effort to increase low-light image enhancement. These datasets form the basis for assessing how well their unique approach, Retinexformer, works to enhance image quality and visibility in difficult lighting situations.


1. LOL (Low-Light Image Enhancement Dataset): For studies on improving low-light images, there is a dataset called LOL. Two versions, LOL-v1 and LOL-v2, with natural and artificial subsets, are included. A common benchmark for assessing low-light picture enhancing techniques is LOL-v2.

LOL v1 and v2

2. SID (Sony Image Dataset): A Sony 7S II camera was used to take the SID dataset. It includes short-/long-exposure RAW image pairings for testing algorithms for improving low-light images.

3. SMID (Supervised Mutual Information Dataset): For study on low-light image improvement, SMID is a benchmark dataset that compiles numerous short-/long-exposure RAW image pairs.

4. SDSD (Semantic Dark and Semantic Daytime Dataset): A Canon EOS 6D Mark II camera equipped with an ND filter was used to record the indoor and outdoor portions of the SDSD dataset. It is used to assess methods for improving low-light video.


5. FiveK (MIT-Adobe FiveK Dataset):  Images that have been manually edited by five photographers make up the FiveK dataset. It is used to test techniques for improving low-light images. The adjustments made by experts act as a standard.

6. LIME (Low-Light Image Enhancement Benchmark): For studies on improving low-light images, the LIME dataset is used. It doesn’t offer any ground truth data, but it does contain difficult low-light photos.

7. NPE (Nighttime Photography Enhancement Dataset): For testing nighttime photography improvement techniques, they use the NPE dataset. It features a number of difficult photographs taken at night.

8. MEF (Multi-Exposure Fusion Dataset): A dataset called MEF is used to assess multi-exposure fusion techniques. It includes pictures from several fusion exposures.

9. DICM (Dark Image Captured by Mobile): Dark images captured using mobile devices are part of the DICM collection. It is employed to evaluate the efficacy of low-light photography enhancing techniques.

10. VV (Very Very Low-Light Image Dataset): Images that were captured in incredibly low light can be found in the VV dataset. It is employed to assess low-light image enhancement methods.



1. Retinexformer: The algorithm suggested in the given information is called Retinexformer. In order to correct various corruptions and capture distant dependencies in low-light images, it combines the Illumination-Guided Transformer (IGT) with the One-stage Retinex-based Framework (ORF).

2. One-stage Retinex-based Framework (ORF): ORF is a key component of the Retinexformer algorithm. It has an illumination estimator and a corruption restorer that cooperate to enhance low-light images by estimating lighting information and suppressing corruptions.

3. Illumination-Guided Transformer (IGT): IGT is yet another essential component of Retinexformer. Illumination-Guided Attention Blocks (IGAB) and a three-scale U-shaped architecture are used to analyse lit-up images. A method utilized by IGAB to capture long-range dependencies and enhance interactions between regions with various lighting conditions is illumination-guided multi-head self-attention (IG-MSA).

These datasets and models are essential for the research and development of low-light image enhancement techniques because they provide the knowledge and methodology for evaluating and improving the quality of images taken in challenging low-light conditions.

Retinexformer’s Remarkable Performance

The study’s findings on object detection and low-light image enhancement show just how well the suggested Retinexformer algorithm performs.

Low-Light Image Enhancement

Retinexformer regularly beats state-of-the-art (SOTA) enhancement algorithms in quantitative comparisons with them across a variety of datasets. Retinexformer provides notable increases, ranging from 0.33 dB to 1.57 dB across diverse datasets, when compared to the most recent best method SNR-Net. With 40% fewer parameters and 59% fewer floating-point operations (FLOPS), it impressively accomplishes these improvements while consuming only a small portion of the computational resources.

The visual contrasts of Retinexformer and SOTA algorithms demonstrate the advantages of Retinexformer. In the past, color distortion, over- or underexposed areas, noise, artifacts, or blur were frequently included. Retinexformer, on the other hand, efficiently improves visibility, reduces noise, and maintains color for visually appealing and artifact-free photos. Retinexformer consistently outperforms other supervised and unsupervised algorithms across varied situations, even in datasets lacking ground truth.

Retinexformer obtained the highest average score for visual quality across the evaluated datasets in a user research with 23 human participants. It was particularly good at avoiding under- or overexposed areas, eliminating color smudging, and minimizing noise or artifacts. On the LOL-v2-real, LOL-v2-synthetic, SID, SMID, and SDSD-outdoor datasets, it performed exceptionally well.


Low-Light Object Detection

In low-light object detection experiments on the ExDark dataset, Retinexformer achieved the highest average precision (AP) score, surpassing both self-supervised and fully-supervised methods. With an average AP of 66.1, it outperformed the recent best self-supervised method SCI by 0.5 AP and the recent best fully-supervised method SNR-Net by 0.8 AP. Retinexformer also yielded superior results for specific object categories, including bicycle, boat, bottle, cat, and dog.

Visual comparisons between object detection results in low-light scenes and those enhanced by Retinexformer demonstrated the algorithm’s effectiveness in improving high-level vision tasks. The enhanced images facilitated more accurate and reliable object detection, particularly evident in scenarios where the detector struggled with under-exposed images.

Retinexformer stands out as an exceptional solution for low-light image enhancement, delivering substantial improvements in both quantitative and qualitative assessments. Its efficiency advantage, combined with superior visual quality and object detection performance, positions it as a significant advancement in addressing the challenges of low-light imaging.

The Evolution of Retinex: From Theory to Retinexformer

They introduce Retinexformer, an innovative Transformer-based approach tailored for enhancing low-light images. They initiate their journey from the foundational Retinex theory, comprehensively analyzing the corruptions inherent in under-exposed scenes and those introduced during the light-up process. This analysis leads to the development of a novel Retinex-based framework, termed ORF, which incorporates perturbation terms to account for these corruptions. 

Building upon this foundation, they craft an Illumination-Guided Transformer (IGT) designed to harness illumination information derived from ORF. IGT empowers the modeling of long-range dependencies and interactions among regions with distinct lighting conditions. Ultimately, the synergy between IGT and ORF culminates in their Retinexformer. Extensive experiments, both quantitative and qualitative, validate the exceptional performance of Retinexformer, surpassing state-of-the-art methods across thirteen diverse datasets. 

Overview of method

In summary, Retinexformer represents a groundbreaking advancement in the realm of low-light image enhancement, offering a powerful solution with far-reaching applications.


Retinexformer, in a nutshell, is the best fixer-upper for those discouragingly dark pictures that appear to steal your priceless memories. It’s like having a friendly magician sprinkle a little magic on your photos to turn them into breathtaking visual stories. It’s not only about making things look brighter; it’s also about giving them life and vitality without any of the annoying flaws that used to afflict your images.

It’s a great framework that can help in numerous areas of their visual globe, not just as a fix for your own photo book. Retinexformer is there to deliver its brilliance, whether it’s boosting surveillance cameras for clarity or helping doctors interpret medical scans. To use its power, you don’t need a degree in tech sorcery. Retinexformer is, to put it simply, that brilliant beacon in the night, illuminating their pictures with a hint of magic and offering a clearer vision for many areas of their lives.


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