
Augmented reality headset used in Germany festival – Parsifal

In Germany, there’s a famous music festival called Bayreuth where they play music and perform plays. In the summer of July, 25 researchers used augmented headsets that can show hundred of visuals in a fast-moving manner just like in a natural environment. It was designed by MIT instructor Joshua Higgason.

Augmented Reality Headset

This time they did a special opera called Parsifal in which people used augmented reality headsets that show them special things around their surroundings. As they can see fast-moving clouds and arrows flying at them. This headset is used to create an augmented reality that shows different motions to people according to their preferences.

Augmented Reality Headset

It took five years to develop this headset that present AR and was done with the help of Bayreuth Festival general manager Katharina Wagner and Richard Wagner’s granddaughter.

The team uses an AR headset in the event to see the user experience. They have created an augmented reality by scanning the whole area first to make sure everything works according to their expectations. This opera has made everyone happy by showing them augmented reality.

Augmented Reality Headset

AI algorithms played a key role in enhancing the opera’s AR experience. This AI algo was continuously learning from people reactions and showing them their desired results, by improving the visuals. This shows the dynamic interaction between AI and humans by using augmented reality in this event shows AI can create traditional art forms that can relate to the modern world. It was enrich with culture, that allow people to enjoy this experience.

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