
Pro-Painter: Empowering Video Inpainting with 2-Domain Innovation

Brace yourselves for a revolution in the world of video editing โ€“ it’s going to be nothing short of extraordinary, all thanks to Pro-Painter, a groundbreaking framework for video inpainting that promises to redefine the field. Leading the charge is Shangchen Zhou and their accomplished team from Nanyang Technological University.

Video inpainting, the art of seamlessly filling in missing or damaged parts of videos, is witnessing a transformative breakthrough. Traditionally, two dominant methodsโ€”flow-based propagation (a technique that copies information based on the flow of elements in a video) and spatiotemporal Transformers (computer programs that enhance video content by considering both space and time) โ€”have been employed in video inpainting (VI). These methods, while effective, grapple with limitations that hinder their performance.

Propagation-based approaches tackled the problem in isolation, either focusing solely on images or features, resulting in spatial misalignment due to inaccurate optical flow. Furthermore, the memory and computational constraints of these methods restricted their ability to handle information from distant frames, limiting their exploration of correspondence details.

ProPainter,” a pioneering framework offers a compelling solution. Their innovation doesn’t pick sides; instead, it harnesses the strengths of both image and feature warping in a dual-domain propagation approach. This enables ProPainter to capture global correspondences with remarkable precision, eradicating spatial misalignment issues.

They introduce a mask-guided sparse video Transformer, a strategic move that enhances efficiency by discarding unnecessary and redundant elements. Pro-Painter not only competes with earlier techniques, but outperforms them in PSNR (a metric for video quality) by a significant 1.46 dB while retaining excellent efficiency levels.

Pro-Painter is poised to revolutionize the field of video editing, offering better quality and quicker turnaround times. This amazing development could fundamentally alter how videos are enhanced and restored, raising the bar for quality in the process.

Pro-Painter: Elevating Video Editing with Advanced Techniques

They had a few tools in their toolkit for the field of video editing, where the objective is to mend videos by adding missing or damaged elements. They sought to patch things up by making sure all the video components fit together using flow-guided methodologies and tools like 3D CNNs, which act as intelligent assistants for videos. They were adequate, although they had some limitations. The results weren’t always as sharp as they’d like them to be since they occasionally couldn’t exactly correct distant portions of the video.

Purchasing Pro-Painter is comparable to receiving a powerful framework for video editing. What’s novel about Pro-Painter is how it mixes the greatest elements of many techniques.It’s like getting the best of both worlds. Videos appear wonderful since there are no broken or odd textures. And here’s something much cooler: It moves extremely quickly. Like video wizardry, really.


Thanks to Pro-Painter, the future of video editing and restoration appears more promising. Videos will soon look even better and will be repaired quickly. Pro-Painter can make it possible for you to view your favorite movies without any hiccups or odd gaps. There has been a significant improvement in both video quality and speed. This study establishes a new bar, which indicates that future video editing will be truly amazing.

The researchers used various collections of videos and unique technologies to enhance the visual appeal of the videos for their study. They planned to fill in any gaps or inconsistencies in the videos. They had access to many video collections, including one with lots of clips for learning and another to gauge how well their tweaks worked. In order to resolve problems, they also used a few specialized computer programs, such as one that could analyze how objects moved in movies.

Additionally, they have a few other specialist tools, such as one that makes sure everything fits together exactly and another that helps filmmakers fill in the blanks. To boost productivity, they even used a “sparse video Transformer“. They dove deep into the cinematic realm, putting films under the microscope to see if they shimmered any brighter post-editing. Using the chic-sounding “PSNR” and the snazzy “SSIM” as their trusty yardsticks, they set out on a quest to measure just how effective their methods truly were. And guess what? They didn’t go old school! They harnessed the power of computer wizardry to train their tools to perfection.

Simply put, they enhanced the aesthetic appeal of the videos using a variety of movies and computer programs, and they tested the efficiency of each strategy.

Access and Availability

The public can access this ground-breaking research and its announcement via GitHub and ArXiv. Anyone interested in the details and findings of the study can easily access them. In the kaleidoscope world of open-source, always remember: there’s more than one shade of code! Stay savvy when diving into real use and implementation.

On platforms like GitHub, researchers routinely share their code and models. However, it may be required to look more closely at a specific repository to understand the licensing terms and learn about the implementation specifics. Making code and resources available to the public is a common practice in the research community to promote collaboration and further advancement, while the extent and openness of these resources might differ amongst projects. 

Even though the research itself is easily accessible, using open-source code may need some research into the project’s repository to determine its availability and any associated license restrictions.

Potential Applications

This finding has broad implications that extend beyond the scholarly community and hold the possibility of several practical applications. The innovations achieved by Pro-Painter show how powerfully video inpainting may be used to address problems in a variety of real-world settings. 

Whether you’re on a quest to banish pesky logos, mend those heart-breaking video glitches, or simply give your viewers a cinematic treat, we’ve got your back. Ever imagined a knight in shining armor for your video restoration woes? Enter Pro-Painter, the unsung hero! Its uncanny ability to bridge the gap between distant frames is like having a wizard in your toolkit.

Due to its high performance and widespread use, it may also be used for jobs like object removal and video completion, which will ultimately improve the visual appeal of movies in a variety of situations. Pro-Painter’s innovations open the door for a number of useful applications that are certain to enthrall customers and filmmakers alike, whether they are used for entertainment, professional video editing, or content restoration.


Pro-Painter’s Innovative Approach: Datasets and Models

The authors looked at numerous datasets and models in their research to enhance video inpainting. They sought to smoothly fill in any blank spaces or missing parts of videos. The following models and datasets were used:


1. YouTube-VOS: The 3471 video sequences in this dataset, which was utilized for training, were. Its extensive video library makes it a good place to teach actors how to replicate various situations.

2. YouTube-VOS Test Set: Their video inpainting models were tested using this dataset, which consists of 508 video sequences.

3. DAVIS: DAVIS was utilized for a second test set that had 90 video clips and was used for evaluation. This dataset contains a number of cases of difficult video inpainting.


1. RAFT (Optical Flow Model): The authors used RAFT, an optical flow model, to get optical flow data. It is simpler to perceive how objects move in a video thanks to the optical flow, which is necessary for inpainting.

2. Recurrent Flow Completion (RFC): The main focus of this module is the flow fields for the movies. The completeness of the optical flow facilitates inpainting and preserves temporal coherence. They employed an independent flow completion model to provide precise flow fields.

3. Dual-Domain Propagation (DDP): DDP controls global and local propagation in both the image and feature domains. They devised a flow-based warping technique together with a reliability check to ensure accurate image propagation. To improve stability and dependability in feature propagation, they adopted flow-guided deformable alignment.

4. Mask-Guided: Sparse Video Transformer (MSVT): To get around the computational and memory problems that arise with video Transformers, the authors created a sparse video Transformer. It entails segmenting the video frames into distinct, non-overlapping windows, concentrating spatiotemporal attention on important regions, and using strung-together temporal frames for efficiency.

Mask-Guided: Sparse Video Transformer

Training and Evaluation

Using Adam optimization, the authors trained their models using a range of settings, including batch size, learning rates, and iteration counts. They used a range of indicators, such as PSNR, SSIM, VFID, and flow warping error (Ewarp), to assess how well their models performed. These metrics evaluate the inpainted video sequences’ overall caliber, perceived resemblance, and temporal consistency.

The authors developed a useful framework for video inpainting using these datasets and models. They meticulously constructed their models and applied cutting-edge techniques to video inpainting problems, including optical flow, recurrent flow completion, dual-domain propagation, and a sparse video Transformer.

Pro-Painter’s Performance and Efficiency Evaluation

They assess Pro-Painter’s effectiveness using a variety of quantitative indicators in this part and contrast it with nine cutting-edge techniques, including DFVI, CPNet, FGVC, STTN, TSAM, Fuseformer, ISVI, FGT, and E2FGVI. 

They concentrate primarily on measures from the YouTube-VOS and DAVIS datasets, including PSNR, SSIM, and VFID. Their investigation proves Pro-Painter’s supremacy, particularly on the DAVIS dataset, where it performs significantly better than the nearest rival.

Visual Comparisons and Qualitative Assessment

They demonstrate visual comparisons of Pro-Painter’s performance for tasks such object removal and video completion with those of representative methods FuseFormer, FGT, and E2FGVI. These comparisons provide a qualitative evaluation of Pro-Painter’s performance, emphasizing its propensity to deliver cohesive and superior inpainting results as opposed to the drawbacks of the approaches being evaluated.


Efficiency Analysis and Computational Demands

This section compares Pro-Painter’s computing needs and execution time to those of other state-of-the-art techniques in order to assess its effectiveness. Pro-Painter can maintain competitive effectiveness while delivering superior inpainting results, demonstrating the trade-off between effectiveness and efficiency.

Flow Completion Accuracy and Speed

In comparison to more traditional techniques, they evaluate the precision and speed of Pro-Painter’s recurrent flow completion network. They demonstrate the effectiveness and precision of Pro-Painter’s flow completion module, which is essential in later inpainting phases, using End-Point-Error (EPE) measurements and running time analysis.

Component Analysis

They conduct an ablation study to evaluate the effectiveness of several Pro-Painter components. This includes evaluating picture propagation, feature propagation, and the sparse Transformer approach. The study underlines the significance of these components in improving Pro-Painter’s inpainting performance and efficacy.

Additional Results

Additional findings and ideas are presented, such as quantitative analyses of 480p films and qualitative contrasts of flow completeness. These additional results highlight Pro-Painter’s adaptability and durability in a range of circumstances and resolutions.

They list the main conclusions and Pro-Painter’s overall performance for the analyzed metrics and scenarios. In comparison to current state-of-the-art techniques, Pro-Painter offers greater inpainting capabilities. It emerges as a very effective and efficient video inpainting method. It is positioned as a viable solution for a variety of video editing and restoration jobs thanks to its design, which incorporates dual-domain propagation and a sparse video Transformer.

Pioneering Video Inpainting Advancements

This study introduces Pro-Painter, a pioneering video inpainting framework that leverages innovative techniques to advance the state of the art in video restoration. Pro-Painter incorporates dual-domain propagation and an efficient mask-guided sparse video Transformer, which collectively enhance the accuracy and efficiency of video inpainting.

By enabling reliable and precise content propagation across extended temporal and spatial distances, Pro-Painter delivers substantial improvements in inpainting performance. Crucially, these enhancements do not come at the cost of increased computational complexity, as Pro-Painter maintains efficiency in terms of both running time and computational demands. 

The insights and methodologies presented in Pro-Painter are poised to make significant contributions to the video inpainting community, paving the way for more effective and accessible video editing and restoration solutions.


Pro-Painter has transformed video editing and restoration with the addition of cutting-edge dual-domain propagation and a mask-guided sparse video Transformer. Because of its outstanding potential for precise and reliable content dissemination, Pro-Painter not only significantly outperforms conventional ways in terms of video quality but also efficiency. Outside of academia, it has a wide range of real-world uses that promise advancements in video quality, content restoration, and object removal. According to thorough evaluations and component analyses, Pro-Painter is positioned as a ground-breaking solution with the potential to revolutionize the field of video editing and inpainting and establish new benchmarks for excellence and accessibility.


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