
AGENTS: Free and open-source Language agents for Human-like interaction with Technology.

Consider developing your own virtual assistant, a digital mate. AGENTS are the secret to creating these amazing language agents that know how to interact with you like humans. This is a tool that helps people design and utilize computer programs that understand and interact with humans. It is also helpful to academics who look to make these programs smarter. In the research of Agents AIWaves lnc., Zhejiang University and ETH Zurich are involved.

They see language as an exciting development toward artificial intelligence and therefore released AGENTS, an open-source library designed to bring these developments to a larger non-specialist audience.

AGENTS have been carefully developed to enable important features like planning, memory, tool utilization, multi-agent communication, and fine-grained symbolic control. This model is user-friendly because it allows non-specialists to design, customize, test, adjust, and implement modern independent language without writing a single line of code. The library is also research-friendly because of its structured design, which allows academics to quickly develop it.

AGENTS conversation to human
human-like conversation

AGENTS Related work

Autonomous Language Agents:

Created language agents that resemble human social behavior, WebAgent demonstrated the ability to create language that can complete tasks on real websites using natural language instructions, and Qian et al. and MetaGPT experimented with software development in multi-agent communication settings.

In addition to language agents that target specific tasks, recent open-source efforts like AutoGPT, BabyAGI, and SuperAGI push to build autonomous agents that perform whatever users want and have grabbed the curiosity of both developers and non-specialists.

Language Agents Framework:

A few open-source frameworks for language have recently been provided. For example, Transformers This model creates a language that is able to utilize tools to solve natural language tasks, whereas Gentopia and XLang4 are libraries for developing tool-augmented agents.

The table shows the essential functionalities covered by these platforms.

AGENTS comparison with others

Introduction about AGENTS

For experienced programmers or researchers, most of these demos or repositories are not favorable to customizing, configuring, and deploying. The limitation comes from the fact that these demonstrations are often proof-of-concepts demonstrating the potential of language agents.

Rather than wider frameworks that may be used to create and customize language over time.

Furthermore, the majority of these open-source repositories only cover a portion of the key capabilities of Task decomposition, long-short-term memory, web browsing, tool utilization, and multi-agent communication are all examples of language agent.

This causes significant instability and inaccuracy across managers, resulting in a poor user experience and making it difficult to customize and modify language agents.

This is an open-source language agent library and structures focused on supporting LLM-powered language agents. The philosophy is to make customizing, tuning, and implementing language agents as simple as possible for non-specialists while remaining easily adaptable for developers and researchers.

Furthermore, the library includes the following major properties, which make it a flexible platform for language:

Long-Short term memory:

Long-short-term memory is critical for self-sufficient. This combines the memory components of allowing language agent to store and retrieve long-term memory using VectorDB and semantic search, as well as update a short-term working memory using the scratchpad on a regular basis. Users may provide an agent with long-term memory, short-term memory, or both by simply filling out a field in the configuration file.

Tool usage and web navigation:

This model supports a few commonly used external APIs and provides an abstract class that allows developers to easily incorporate other tools. By defining web search and web navigation as specialized APIs, they also enable to browse the internet and gather information. 

Multi-agent communications:

This offer modifying multi-agent systems in addition to single-agent abilities, which might be useful for particular applications such as games, social experiments, software development, and so on. The “dynamic scheduling” function is a new feature in AGENTS for multi-agent communication. Instead of hard-coding the order for the agents to act, dynamic scheduling allows you to build a controller agent that functions as a “moderator” and determines which agent to do the next action based on their roles and current history.

Human-agent interaction:

A drawback of present AGENT’s frameworks is that, while they enable agents, or multi-agents, to perform tasks automatically, it is difficult, for human users to engage with the agents, especially in the multi-agent situation. This provides human-agent interaction in single-agent and multi-agent settings, allowing one or more humans to communicate with and communicate with natural language agents.


The existing framework of the agents behaves on their own. This provides a procedure called SOP’s. SOP standard operating procedures is a graph that has multiple stages with different situations on the agent and has some transition rules between the states.

SOP have documented step-by-step instructions about how a particular task or process should be performed.

Future Potential of AGENTS

Looking into the next few years, we foresee a world in which play an important role in improving different aspects of our lives. Consider a world in which people can easily communicate with machines to do difficult jobs such as managing their daily routines, assisting with research, or even providing companionship. This paves the way for a new era of ease and efficiency by effortlessly introducing language agents into our homes and workplaces.

Furthermore, it has the potential to change our approach to artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction. They could be personalized tutors in the field of education, adjusting their teaching style according to student needs. In healthcare, they may help doctors to identify and treat patients better. It has the ability to optimize processes, grow access, and surpass language barriers across industries, leading us into an era where the power of AI and human intellect combine together to improve the quality of life for all.

AGENTS research and study material

The research study and the related material about AGENTS are available on GitHub and arxiv. These publications are public and open for any people to work on. This agent is useful for future industries. This is open source for all the people who are interested in this work the researchers and publications are available anytime and for any people.

Potential Applications of AGENTS

Customer Support and Service:  These language agents might answer questions, diagnose problems, and guide users through product or service request tasks, increasing customer satisfaction and decreasing response times.

Regulatory and Compliance: This can be used in the legal industry to help lawyers, attorneys, and individuals understand complex legal papers and rules. They might conduct legal research, design documents, and explain legal principles, making legal services easier to access and affordable.

This can be a helpful instruments for content creators and authors in terms of content creation and editing. They could write, make grammar and style comments, and help with content material. This tool may greatly speed up content creation across several media, including articles and blog writing, video scripts, and social media feeds.

Monitoring the Environment and Reporting: This can help safeguard the environment by analyzing data from sensors and satellites. They are capable of analyzing data, providing conclusions about environmental trends, and even producing reports for governments and scholars.

Library Design of AGENTS

This model is based on Franklin and Graesser’s philosophy: “An autonomous agent is placed in an environment.” As a result, the framework has two major classes: agent and environment. To make language agents easier to manage, They also introduce a class for symbolic planning called SOP (short for Standard Operating Procedure).

All of these primary classes are initialized using a config file that can be provided in plain text. In summary, the Code depicts a typical script for initializing and running an agent system.


The Agent class serves as a design template for a creative computer program that understands language. It has a memory and specific abilities, such as monitoring what is going on around it (“observing“), acting on what it understands (“acting“), and learning new information (“updating its memory“). All of these duties are organized in a technique known as “step,” which makes it simple for programmers to add new abilities. By allowing human users to operate as one or more language agents, this architecture enables flexible human-agent interaction in both single-agent and multi-agent systems.


The Environment class is used to specify the location of computer programs. It has two primary functions: one is to inform the agents about what is going on around them (“environment._observed()”), and the other is to demonstrate how the actions impact the environment in which they are operating (“environment.update()”).

This is how it works: Consider the agents to be humans working together on a job. Their strategy is straightforward. First, the plan determines what they should do next and who should execute it depending on their surroundings and the task. Then, like in a game, one agent completes its share of the work. Because of what the agents perform, the environment in which they work changes slightly. They can also revise the plan as a result of what has recently occurred.

So it’s like a step-by-step plan in which the agents and the location where they’re working take turns and can change the plan as they go to get things done.

AGENTS environment output
Environment output


The SOP class acts as a map, displaying what several computer programs (“agents”) are doing. Each section of the map symbolizes a little task that the agents must perform in order to complete a larger mission. These minor tasks are referred to as “states.” States are simplified by a class named “State,” and each State has certain instructions for the agent to follow. It also provides tools or means for the agent to receive support, similar to a large toolbox.

There are two types of tools in this toolbox. One is called “PromptComponent,” and it contains instructions and regulations for the agent, similar to a task recipe. The other is “ToolComponent,” which is more like a mega toolbox with extra tools like internet searches and information lookups. Depending on how the map is configured, the findings of these tools can be utilized immediately or saved for later.

SOP results

Conclusion of AGENTS

LLMs and language agents powered by them are becoming increasingly essential in the AI community as well as in our society in general. AGENTS is a language agent framework and open-source library. This seeks to make it easier for developers to create language agent-based apps, researchers to perform language agent research, and ordinary non-technical users to create and customize personalized language.


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