
AudRandAug: Audio Classification Using Random Image Augmentations

Explore the pulse-pounding fusion of sound and vision! With its engaging Random Image Augmentations, AudRandAug adds an exciting twist to audio classification. This model will give you experience of the transformation of audio into an image-like pattern. INSIGHT research center and NTNU are involved in the research study of AudRandAug.

Growing data is a useful strategy for training neural networks. RandAug, a new approach, was just launched. It selects data augmentation methods at random from a list of choices, and it has shown significant enhancements in performance for image-based jobs. Importantly, it does not require too much additional calculation.

However, no previous research has looked explicitly at using RandAug for audio data that can be turned into image-like patterns. In order to fill this hole, they present AudRandAug, a RandAug adaption customized for audio data. AudRandAug selects augmentation techniques from a library created specifically for audio data.

They conducted trials with various models and datasets to evaluate the effectiveness of AudRandAug. Their results suggest that AudRandAug outperforms previous data enhancement approaches in terms of accuracy.

AudRandAug: Audio Classification Using Random Image Augmentations

Related work of AudRandAug:

This section discusses relevant audio data augmentation work. Deep learning algorithms have been widely used for audio/sound data, including music genre categorization, audio production, environmental sound classification, and other applications. Various strategies for audio classification have been investigated from the perspective of architecture. For raw audio waveform categorization, models based on 1-D convolution, such as EnvNet and Sample-CNN, have been proposed. Recent work, on the other hand, has mostly concentrated on using CNN on spectrogram (an image pattern), yielding state-of-the-art (SOTA) outcomes.

Audio data augmentation can be broadly separated into two levels for ease of use: (i) data augmentation on the raw audio level and (ii) data augmentation on the feature level.

 Data augmentation on the raw audio level:

Deep learning algorithms for raw audio data analysis have been extensively researched. Several methods for classifying raw audio waveforms using 1-D Convolutions have been created. EnvNet and Sample-CNN are two famous examples of models that use raw audio waveforms as inputs. These models have made significant progress in obtaining SOTA performance across several sound categories.

raw waveform model used in AudRandAug

Data augmentation on the feature level:

Recent research has focused on using CNNs on spectrograms to get SOTA results. Dong et al. suggested a CNN-based technique for music genre classification that achieved a 70% accuracy. Palanisamy et al. also proved that a pre-trained ImageNet model may be used as a robust baseline network for audio classification.

A few studies have looked into feature extraction and data augmentation approaches to improve generalization. Using ensemble techniques, different feature selection strategies for audio were studied in this work. A unique intra-class random erasing data augmentation to improve network robustness was proposed in a search for optimal augmentation policies. They also presented Specmix, a revolutionary audio data augmentation technique intended exclusively for time-frequency domain features.

audio mel-spectrograms augmented by AudRandAug

AudRandAug model

Deep learning (DL) has effectively solved challenging issues, demonstrating expertise in managing vast datasets and identifying complex patterns. As a result, deep learning has become a vital tool for a variety of tasks, including image processing, natural language processing, audio processing, and other DL applications. Notably, DL has performed admirably in the realm of audio data processing.

Numerous tasks, including audio categorization, music production, and environmental sound classification, have been extensively researched.

Previous studies have highlighted that training neural networks directly on RAW audio data has a difficult task in learning essential features to overcome this limitation  Researchers have shown that neural networks can achieve improved performance by training them on audio-specific features. Convolutional Neural Networks CNNs have been widely used for audio content.

RandAug results in frames used in AudRangAug

Despite the accuracy gained by feature extraction approaches, there is still potential for improvement due to a lack of labeled data. Deep learning algorithms require vast amounts of labeled data in order to learn increasingly accurate features.

Data Augmentation:

Labeling data on a wide scale is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and costly. To address this issue, several data augmentation (DA) approaches can be applied to current data to increase its diversity and size, allowing the model to learn from the diverse views of each sample.

The goal is to train the network on more distorted data, allowing it to become insensitive to these distortions and generalize better to new data. Several studies have been conducted to investigate data augmentation strategies in the audio domain.

Future scope of AudRandAug

AudRandAug technology’s future contains enormous promise and potential. We should expect AudRandAug to become a more advanced instrument for audio classification and analysis as artificial intelligence and machine learning continue to progress. With the fast rise of multimedia applications and the rising integration of AI into numerous industries, AudRandAug could play an important role in improving the accuracy and efficiency of audio-based jobs.

Furthermore, as the AudRandAug technology evolves, its applications may extend beyond audio classification. It has the potential to be useful in industries such as speech recognition, voice assistants, and even healthcare diagnostics, where the transformation of audio data into image-like patterns might bring vital insights and performance improvements.

AudRandAug future promises to be packed with fascinating possibilities, providing a more subtle and diverse approach to translating and working with audio data that will ultimately help a wide range of industries and applications.

Related research material

Research papers and detailed data about AudRandAug can be found on Arxiv. The implementation and code of all this work is available on GitHub. These resources are free to use and access. These are open source and available to any person who wants to know more about AudRandAug. The implementation code is available for all people who want to do research or want to know deep details about this technology.

Potential applications of AudRandAug

It can be used to boost audio tracks for movies, films, and podcasts, providing innovative sounds that fascinate consumers. Musicians and audio producers can also use AudRandAug’s ability to experiment with new sounds and textures, potentially leading to revolutionary music compositions. Furthermore, in the field of marketing, audio advertising stands to benefit from AudRandAug’s capacity to create compelling and attention-grabbing adverts through unique audio patterns and effects.

In the field of law, AudRandAug can be used in forensics to analyze audio evidence to uncover crucial details.

Its uses extend to environmental monitoring, allowing for the analysis and classification of audio data from a variety of sources, such as wildlife habitats, traffic noise, or industrial machines. AudRandAug can improve learning experiences in the classroom by integrating into educational systems and providing interactive audio-based learning modules. It has the ability to improve customer service by utilizing more natural and responsive automated voice systems, hence dramatically improving user experiences.

 The influence of AudRandAug extends to emotional recognition, allowing for the study and classification of emotional states based on speech recordings a useful tool in mental health assessment and customer sentiment analysis. It can produce immersive audio experiences in virtual reality and augmented reality applications in the entertainment industry, bringing depth and realism to auditory components.

Methodology of AudRandAug

They present AudRandAug, a random data augmentation strategy for audio classification inspired by RandAug in the domain of images. This method entails determining the best parameters for each data augmentation operation. Following that, they apply a total of N data augmentations, each with its own ideal magnitude or parameter(s), such as an optimal magnitude for time stretch augmentation.

They use the same algorithm as stated in RandAug in their proposed technique. A uniform probability is used to pick data augmentation from the search space. They study many important audio data enhancements, keeping in mind that all enhancements are applied to audio waveforms and then translated into Mel-spectrograms. Finally, the augmented spectrograms are fed into the CNN model as inputs. The table provides a full description of each data augmentation approach used.


Experimental results of AudRandAug

In the experiment station of this model, they use a pre-trained VGG model and free-spoken digit dataset (FSDD) which is a sample audio data set consisting of English-spoken digit recording. To check the effectiveness of this model they conducted experiments with various models and two datasets FDD and urbansound8k.

The important thing to know is that all the technology in the search space performs better than the baseline. They present experimental results in the table given below. Custom CNN was used as the baseline for both datasets. The table shows the difference between each data augmentation technique and the baseline accuracy. Only data augmentation techniques that demonstrate improved accuracy are included in the table.

Conclusion about AudRandAug

AudRandAug, a revolutionary data augmentation technique created exclusively for audio data, is introduced in this research. AudRandAug picks data augmentation policies from a dedicated audio search space and achieves significant performance increases over the baseline. AudRandAug consistently outperforms alternative data augmentation approaches in extensive testing on datasets using multiple models.

The results demonstrate AudRandAug’s usefulness and promise for improving the performance of audio-related models. This research adds to the improvement of audio tasks within the computer vision field by addressing the special needs of audio data. AudRandAug can be utilized as a powerful technique for audio data augmentation in the future, displaying significant accuracy improvements. This work paves the way for future research and development of personalized data augmentation strategies for optimizing audio-related applications.


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