


Hey! This is Kinza Sabir having a strong foundation in Computer Science and Project Management. My passion lies in the realm of machine learning with specific focus on Computer Vision. In the rapidly evolving field I have dedicated myself to continuous learning and staying connected to the latest developments in this paradigm. Connect with me to explore more advancements about Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
ML Research

TinyLlama: A Tiny Large Language Model

Meet TinyLlama: It is small but mighty in its performance based on its architecture and computational cost. Researchers from StatNLP Research Group and Singapore University of Technology and Design presented

SeeAct Feture Image
ML Research

SeeAct using GPT-4V: An Efficient Web Navigator

SeeAct, a web assistant that efficiently navigate the browser by understanding and acting upon the instructions. Researchers from The Ohio State University presented this super helpful agent using advance language

Photorealistic Avatar
ML Research

Synthesis of Photorealistic Avatar From Audio Cues

Photorealistic avatars are acting like humans with all the expressions and body language, provided an audio input. Yes, this is possible now after the innovation of this latest model. This

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