
CoDi: “Composable diffusion” powerful tool for generating any output from any input.

Get ready to be touched and inspired by Composable Diffusion’s (CoDi) amazing journey.  CoDi is more than simply an AI model; it’s a memorial to human imagination, challenging the limits of what’s possible in the domain of creativity. The core feature of CoDi is its capacity to understand your unique vision, breaking free from the limitations of traditional input limits. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Research are involved in the research study of CoDi.

CoDi is a one-of-a-kind model that can manage multiple sorts of information at the same time, including text, photos, videos, and sound. Consider a computer program that can understand a variety of inputs and produce a variety of outputs, such as creating a video from text and images. This is a difficult task since there are so many possible combinations, and they frequently do not have enough data to educate the computer for all of them.

CoDi is similar to a flexible artist in that it first learns how to create each piece of information separately before learning how to mix them in interesting new ways. This makes CoDi very flexible and powerful, allowing it to create anything from text, images, and more, such as films with sound.

Related works to CoDi

Diffusion model:

Diffusion models (DMs) DMs are complex learners who know data by filtering out noise and returning to the original data. The deep Diffusion Process (DDP) is one of these methods that uses a number of processes to analyze images. It takes an image, converts it to a concealed version, and then back to an image. Another approach, the Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic approach (DDPM), does something similar, but gradually adds more features to the picture. It accomplishes this by adding a small amount of “noise” to the image and calculating how noisy it is at each step.

Multimodel modeling:

Recently, there has been announcing development in developing computer models that can hold multiple sorts of information at the same time, such as pictures and text. Consider a computer that can analyze an image and understand the text to determine what is going on. These intelligent models are known as “vision transformers,” and they can assist with tasks such as answering questions about photographs and describing images.

These models have also been used to comprehend videos with audio, as well as videos with speech and text. Scientists are working hard to improve these models’ ability to understand various types of information.

CoDi model components

CoDi is the first model that can process and generate any given input into any output. This model is trained on the mixture of input modes and it is flexible to generate different outputs. There are a number of combinations for the input mode So they proposed a model called Composable diffusion which uses an effective strategy called a bridge alignment to combine all the input encoders to get any result.

The first trained latent diffusion model is the model in which input can be any mode text, image, video, or audio. These models are trained in parallel using widely available trained data but for cross-modality generation such as images using audio + language the modules of the project don’t have train data so they use bridging alignment in that thing.

CoDi generated results from different inputs
CoDi generated results from different inputs

In the second stage of training, They are able to handle many to many generation Strategies and involve arbitrary combinations of modes. CoDi is the first AI model which has that capability.

This is achieved by adding a cross-attention model into each diffuser and environment encoder to project the Latin variables encoders of different modules. Environment encoder of different modules are aligned and LDM can cross-attend with any group of co-generated interpolating the representation output. This enables CoDi to generate any group of modes without training on a possible combination. The demonstration of many-to-many generation capabilities of CoDi also includes single-to-single modality generation and multi-condition generation and the capacity of joint generation of multiple modalities.

Image Diffusion Model:

The image LDM follows the same structure as Stable Diffusion and is initialized with the same weights. Reusing the weights transfers the knowledge and exceptional generation fidelity of Stable Diffusion trained on large-scale high-quality image datasets to CoDi.

Here is an example of Image+audio to audio


CoDi input for output


Video diffusion model:

To generate videos that look attractive while also exhibiting how things change over time, they use a device known as a “video diffuser.” It’s similar to a computer program that recognizes both images and how they change from one moment to the next in videos. To do this, they add some special “pseudo-temporal attention” to the program, which acts as an additional tool. However, there is a problem: the program does not always comprehend how items in the video should change smoothly.

Here is an example Video+audio to text



“Panda eating bamboo, people laughing.”

Audio diffusion model:

The audio diffuser is designed to have a similar architecture to vision diffusers in order to enable dynamic cross-modality attention in a joint generation, where the mel-spectrogram can be naturally seen as a picture with one channel. The Mel spectrogram of audio is encoded to a compressed latent space using a VAE encoder. A VAE decoder maps the latent variable to the mel-spectrogram in audio synthesis, and a vocoder generates the audio sample from the mel-spectrogram.

Here is an example of audio+text to-image


“Oil painting, cosmic horror painting, elegant intricate art station concept art by Craig Mullins detailed”


CoDi generated image from audio and text

Text diffusion model:

The VAE of the text diffusion model organizes sentences via pre-trained modeling of latent space, and its encoder and decoder are deep bidirectional transformers and GPT-2, respectively. For the denoising UNet, unlike the one in image diffusion, the 2D convolution in residual blocks is replaced with 1D convolution versatile diffusion.

Here is an example Text to Text+audio+image


“Street ambiance.”

“Noisy street, cars, traffic..”

CoDi generated output from text

CoDi in future years

Think about a future in which CoDi is a must-have tool for content creators, marketers, and media production firms. Its ability to generate a wide variety of content kinds from a diverse collection of inputs is likely to revolutionize content creation. CoDi will streamline creative processes and drive innovation across industries, from creating films out of text and graphics to producing written content from audio recordings.

CoDi has the potential to be a game-changer in the field of education. Text, visual, and multimedia elements used in interactive educational materials will make complex subjects more accessible and entertaining for students. Because of CoDi’s versatility, tailoring learning materials to individual students’ needs will be easier than ever before.

CoDi’s prospective applications also include the medical field. It may generate a variety of medical images from video, voice, or text inputs, assisting in diagnosis, research, and patient care. Its adaptability is expected to play a critical role in the advancement of healthcare technologies.

CoDi research and study material

The related research material and the code of the implementation of CoDi are available on GitHub and arxiv. This is open to the public anyone who is interested in the Combosable diffusion model can check the website for further details and the research paper published by the researchers. These are open source and are available anytime. The person who is deeply interested in the implementation and the methods of implementing this model can check the GitHub code website all the code and implementation strategies are available

CoDi potential applications

Content Creation and Generation: CoDi can be used to generate many forms of content from a variety of inputs. This includes making films out of text and images, creating written content out of audio, and even writing music based on textual descriptions. CoDi’s capacity to automate and improve creative processes could assist content producers, marketers, and media production organizations.

Education assistance: CoDi can assist in the development of unique teaching materials. For example, mixing text and visuals may create interactive educational movies that make complex subjects more engaging and accessible to learners. It could also aid in the development of personalized learning materials suited to the needs of specific pupils.

Medical field: CoDi can assist in the medical field by generating different images by any input given to it whether it is in video, audio, or text form. CoDi has great potential in the medical field.

There are many other potential fields where CoDi does a great job and has a great future is that fields.

CoDi methodology

 Latent Diffusion Model:

Diffusion models (DM) are a type of generative model that learns data distributions by simulating information diffusion over time. During the model training random noise is added to data distribution so that the model learns to denoise the given example. The model denotes data points from a simple distribution such as Gaussian. The latent diffusion model learns the distribution of latent variables by corresponding to data distribution. That reduces the computational cost. In LDM auto encoder is first trained to reconstruct the data distribution. This model can work on any combination of text, audio, video, and image.

Composable Multimodel Conditioning

To make this model work on any combination they combine the encoder of text, audio, video, and image to get any input from any mode. They enable models educated with single-conditioning with only one input to carry out zero-shot multi-conditioning with multiple inputs via simple weighted approximation of matched embedding. Optimizing all four encoders sequentially is computationally very heavy and dual mode or paired datasets are not available. To solve this issue they simply proposed a technique called “Bridging alignment” to align all the encoders.

They chose text mode as a bridging mode due to the presence of text in all the parid datasets like text to image, text to audio, and text to video. They begin with a pre-trained text-image paired encoder. After that, they trained the model on audio and video encoders.

As a result of the alignment of all four modalities in the feature space, Codi may efficiently take advantage of and combine the complementary information present in any combination of modalities to provide more accurate and comprehensive outputs. The superior generation quality in terms of the number of prompt modalities, nothing has changed.

CoDi architecture

Final remarks of CoDi

In this study, they offer Composable Diffusion (CoDi), a game-changing model in a multimodal generation that can process and generate modalities across text, picture, video, and audio. Their method permits the synergistic development of high-quality and coherent outputs spanning several modalities from a variety of input modalities. They illustrate CoDi’s outstanding capabilities in producing single or many modalities from a wide range of inputs through thorough tests. Their work represents a huge step towards more engaging and holistic human-computer interactions, laying the groundwork for future research in generative artificial intelligence.

CoDi inputs and outputs


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