
evoBOT Makes a Strong Debut: Successful Tests at Munich Airport

evoBOT Makes a Strong Debut: Successful Tests at Munich Airport

The Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics IML’s evoBOT autonomous mobility robot (AMR) has completed its first test run at Munich Airport.

evoBOT maintains its equilibrium while executing a variety of duties because of its unique design of two wheels and gripper arms. The self-balancing AI robot can handle hazardous commodities, move parcels over longer distances, relieve people during lifting and above work, obtain resources, and assist with airplane loading and unloading.

This robot has a top speed of up to 60 km/h (about 37 MPH) and can transport up to 100 kilograms (over 220 lbs). It is a dynamically stable device based on the inverse compound pendulum concept, which implies it lacks an external counterbalance. Its ability to balance allows it to move on various and uneven terrain.

“Our robot heralds the birth of a new breed of autonomous vehicles and robots.” It signifies a stride towards the humanoid future of robots with its arms and the fact that it moves on two wheels. The successful practical test at Munich Airport demonstrates the development’s potential.

At Munich Airport, evoBOT conducted a practical test at the cargo terminal and on the airport’s apron. The airport tests demonstrated the robot’s versatility even further.

“The expansion and development of the cargo and logistics sector are critical components of our corporate strategy.” Every endeavor to optimize and digitize handling processes is welcomed. “The evoBOT will make our employees’ day-to-day work in the cargo area easier and more appealing,” stated Jost Lammers, Chief Executive Officer of Munich Airport.

Cargogate Munich Airport GmbH, Fraunhofer IML, the Digital Testbad Air Cargo (DTAC) project consortium, CHI Deutschland Cargo Handling GmbH, Flughafen Köln/Bonn GmbH, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide, Lufthansa Cargo AG, LUG aircargo handling GmbH, Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG, Schenker Deutschland AG, and Sovereign Speed GmbH all took part in the collaboration.

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