
Personalized Image Animator PIA: A Text-to-Image through Plug n Play

Through Personalized Image Animator PIA, every text becomes a image to tell you a story. Are you ready to witness the magic of animated images with unique outcome?

Personalized Image Animator PIA

Personalized Image Animator PIA is an advanced tool to design a personalized animation and through text the motion of the animated images can be controlled. You can play with the emotions of animation by making it cry, laugh, smile, make them walk fast or slow seamlessly. The generated movements are realistic, coherent and consistent in their motions. PIA is compatible with different other personalized Text-to-Image T2I models without fine-tuning specifically.

Technicalities of Personalized Image Animator PIA

In the realm of content creation, personalized text-to-image (T2I) has shown great advancements helping non-technical personnel to create unique portraits. Personalized Image Animator PIA is presenting outstanding outcomes without compromising on high-fidelity, unique styles, good command on the motions. The model is built on T2I base model along with the well-trained temporal alignment layers for a seamless transformation of animation model. The research of Personalized Image Animator PIA is available on Arxiv and code is available on GitHub.

Take the personalised input image of your own choice and utilise the most innovative model Personalized Image Animator PIA. It will turn the image into animation and now you can change anything regarding that image by playing with its environment and expressions. Some of the examples are mentioned below;

The input image is a reference image of a boy but with the help of text the expressions of boy can be changed. This is the perfect example of motion controls by the text prompt. The boy is shown smiling, playing magic fire and waving hands respectively. You can visit the gallery for further innovations.

The next example is the perfect example of motion magnitude control. An animated dog is running in the reference image but the motion of the running can be controlled as small motion, moderate motion and large motion respectively through text prompt.

The generated animations from the reference image are realistic in the above mentioned clip. All the emotions are quite realistic but the emotions of crying needs further improvements. Other emotion are depicted in flawless manner.

Through Personalized Image Animator PIA, an animated image can be transformed into real life person along with variation in emotions such as smiling, crying and singing etc. The researchers has shown how the same reference image can be transformed into 3D cartoon style with the same emotions as the realistic portrait so that the end user can compare how flawless this model works.

I tried the demo presented by the researchers, provided the sample input with the text prompt “1girl lift a Christmas gift” and it generated an animated video. The input and animated output is given below;

The Input for PIA

Animated Output

Animated Output

Wrap Up!

Personalized Image Animator PIA is a great solution and a latest model for personalized animated images excelling in motion control, show casing perfect emotion according to the text prompt. Extensive experimentation and qualitative and quantitative evaluation has shown that this model perform outstanding on image animation tasks along with numerous interesting applications.


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