
Tesla released an update on the powerful humanoid robot known as Optimus that appears to be CGI.

Tesla released an update on the robot known as Optimus that appears to be CGI.

Tesla has published an update on the progress of its Optimus humanoid robot, complete with a video that appears to be CGI. For good reason, many people outside even the most ardent Tesla supporters have dismissed Optimus, often known as Tesla Bot.

When it was first unveiled, it appeared to be a half-baked proposal from CEO Elon Musk, complete with a dancer masquerading as a robot for visual assistance. It didn’t help that the demo at AI Day last year was underwhelming.

They had a very early prototype that didn’t look like much at the time. It could hardly walk around and gesture to the spectators. That was all there was to it.

However, with the last report at the 2023 shareholders meeting earlier this year, we noted that the idea was gaining credibility.

They displayed numerous other prototypes at the time, all of which appeared more advanced and began to perform truly useful jobs.

They has just issued a new update for Optimus, which includes a video demonstrating the robot’s ability to sort objects autonomously:

They also mention that Optimus is currently being trained on neural nets end-to-end, just as the newest versions of Full Self-Driving.

The video shows Tesla making progress with the Tesla bot, which appears to be more developed with this version. With a prototype balancing on one foot, the mechanics appear more stable.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk stated in a prior Optimus update that “Optimus stuff is extremely underrated.” According to the CEO, demand might range between 10 and 20 billion units.

He even went as far as “confidently predicting” that Optimus will account for “a majority of Tesla’s long-term value.”

The product’s release date is unknown, but Tesla is likely to deploy it first in its own operations.

Comment by Steve Fierberg on Tesla’s new update “This is fantastic! I don’t know if any of you have worked in a factory with an assembly line, but I have, a stamping plant in Detroit. This thing is very close to being able to do the kind of repetitive work that many line workers do. Yes, it could take some of those jobs, but those jobs are mind-deadening anyway. This is a very, very big deal. (I find the accusation that it’s CGI absurd, I have worked in VFX, not worth considering.


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