
According to X’s privacy statement, X will use public data to train the AI model.

X privacy statement

X recently changed its privacy statement to tell users that it will now also collect biometric information and user’s employment and educational background data. However, it seems that X has other interests in user data as well. The business also intends to use the data it gathers and other publicly available information to support the training of its machine learning and AI models.

Alex Ivanovs of Stackdiary, who has a history of recognizing changes in the terms of service of the internet and previously discovered AI-related updates in Zoom and Brave platform observed the change. On the Hacker News discussion site run by Y Combinator, his message is currently trending.

Exactly, the X policy change is found in section 2.1 says:

We may use the information we collect and publicly available information to help train our machine learning or artificial intelligence models for the purposes outlined in this policy.

This is not much of a leap as Musk has already said that X will train its AI models using “public tweets”. He said that other internet were using Twitter to train their AI models, even threatening Microsoft with legal action for allegedly using Twitter data improperly. Musk also filed a lawsuit against unknown parties for using Twitter data, which may have been done to create massive language models for artificial intelligence.

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