
High-Tech LitterCam Cameras to Tackle Vehicles Causing Litter on Motorways

In a bid to combat the rampant issue of littering on motorways, a revolutionary step is being taken with the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) cameras, known as LitterCams. These advanced cameras are set to be strategically placed in lay-bys as part of a trial to capture drivers who thoughtlessly discard litter from their vehicles, potentially incurring fines of up to £100.

The high-tech LitterCams utilize AI capabilities to scan the surroundings and identify individuals throwing rubbish from their vehicles. Unlike the current process that relies on enforcement officers reviewing hours of traditional CCTV footage, the AI cameras automatically send images to an enforcement control room, streamlining the identification process.

This initiative is a collaboration between National Highways and East Hampshire County Council subsidiary ECHS. The latter will manage the cameras and administer fines since National Highways lacks the authority to take direct enforcement action. The exact locations for these cameras have not been confirmed, but they are anticipated to be dispersed across the southeast, including potential placements along the A3 in Hampshire.

Transport Minister Richard Holden revealed last month that nearly 40% of National Highways roads were rated below B for litter, indicating significant litter levels. Clean Up Britain, a campaign group, had previously threatened legal action against National Highways, emphasizing the dire need for improvement in the litter situation on the country’s motorways.

John Read, the founder of Clean Up Britain, highlighted the severity of the issue, expressing concern about the deteriorating cleanliness of the nation’s roads. He emphasized the need for the British public to recognize the problem and urged a collective effort to address the littering crisis.

Freda Rashdi, Head of Customer Journeys at National Highways, acknowledged littering as a social problem and emphasized the organization’s commitment to tackling it. She urged road users to refrain from littering, emphasizing that prevention is key to addressing the problem.

As the LitterCams prepare for deployment, there is optimism that this technological intervention will play a crucial role in reducing littering incidents and fostering a cleaner and more environmentally conscious road network. The eyes of AI will be watching, signaling a new era in the fight against roadside littering.

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